Emily the Astronaut

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Hardcover 32 pages 11 x 8 ½
Publisher: Beavers Pond Press (Feb. 2014)
Language: English
ISBN: 13: 978-1-59298-944-7
Price: $17.95 U.S. $18.95 Canada

“What is the moon made of and how can I get there?” wonders Emily. “The moon is fascinating to me and I want to be the first girl to explore it.” Come along with Emily as she discovers how to get to the Moon, Mars, and become an astronaut.

allison investigates

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Hardcover 32 pages 11 x 8 ½
$17.95 USD $18.95 Can
ISBN 10: 1-59298-356-1
ISBN 13: 978-1-592-356-8


Meet Allison Brown Swiss Cow



She is curious and full of questions. Her dad likes to make her think, and always tells her that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. One morning, she sets off on an investigation to discover the truth for herself. Filled with cows, farms, and fun, this book helps readers to discover how milk gets from cows to you.

allison investigates

Available 12/15/2010

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Hardcover 32 pages 11 x 8 ½
$17.95 USD $18.95 Can
ISBN 10: 1-59298-356-1
ISBN 13: 978-1-592-356-8


¿Viene la Leche Chocolatada de una Vaca Color Chocolate? Chocolate Milk



Conoce a Allison, la niña quien rompe mitos. Ella es curiosa y tiene muchas preguntas. A su padre le gusta hacerla pensar y siempre le dice que la leche chocolatada viene de vacas color chocolate. Una mañana, se dedica a investigar por sí misma para descubrir la verdad. Lleno de vacas, granjas y alegría, este libro ayuda a los lectores descubrir cómo la leche viene de la vaca lechera a ti.

Frog on my Forehead

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Hardcover 32 pages 11 x 8 ½ 
$18.95 U.S $21.95 Canada
ISBN 10: 1-59298-264-6
ISBN 13: 978-1-59298-264-6


There is a frog on my forehead!  How did it get there? You decide!


Frog in a Tree



Using 26 different animals and places on the body, take a fantastic journey through the alphabet - and the human anatomy - with animals as your tour guides.

Appealing to children both young and old, "There's a Frog on my Forehead" leads readers on a fanciful excursion through fun facts about the human body. The silly examples of alliteration help the animals guide you on your travels through the alphabet.

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Wayzata, MN 55391
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